This itself is a natural part of the movement of Revelation, for the Word can word in words, 'sacred' as well as 'secular.' And, words are needed, as long as one needs words. As well, words can be means of movement, when one allows the words, as form, as surface, to be means of the Word wording. The same applies to creeds, when the creed becomes an indicative, poetic way of pointing toward Truth, not explaining Truth. There, however, is often a loss in the confusion of words with the Word, as with truths for Truth, and in an objectifying of Revelation. Words and images can be suggestive of More, surfaces poetic in speaking forth a Beauty they themselves can only indirectly reflect.
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So, just where does the line between truth and fantasy lie? Is the Holy Spirit, for example, in a chair, at a table, fact or fantasy? Can the formless Word express through words, human words, or not? Can a mountain trail become a way the Way is opened, so one is left in awe and worship?
Even science, in its rigorous pursuit of fathoming the ways of Nature, cannot tell us there is a difference between fact and fantasy; indeed, the two may be only different ways Life is expressing Itself, playing with us in, as many Eastern teachers would point out, a cosmic game of hide-and-seek, the 'game' with the intent of seducing us into the Truth beyond real and imaginative.
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An example of this line of reasoning, moving from the story of the empty chair to our empty bodies. Who would have known, until the emergence of modern physics, that the human body, what most selves refer to as themselves, is not there, no body in the sense we had thought of, not at all. Why? One reason ~ 99.9999999% of a body is space, is, yes emptiness. Yet, you do not feel this way. You do not walk through walls. You feel no-space, but you, as a body, are over 99% emptiness not even feeling the truth of your own emptiness. So, again, what do you know? I know? Anything, at all, really? Or do we simply know about, but do not know ~ all our knowing moving around a Center we cannot know? Then, Mystery leads to Mystery, not to any final answer, the answer being no-answer, in a conventional sense. No-answer becomes, for us, Revelation.
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